New Mom Finds Online Community -

Posted : Tuesday 22 March 2011

I joined the Hoboken Moms Yahoo Group (started by my friend Laura Siegel) about a year before I actually became a mom myself. Maybe it was wishful thinking that if I double-clicked “join” with my mouse and became one of its 4,908 members, the fertility gods would shine upon me. As it turned out, I actually ended up getting a ton of use out of the site before that pregnancy stick showed a plus sign.

As a preschool teacher at the Brandt school, I was able to reach out to moms eager to clean out their closets (space being a premium in Hoboken).

As you all know, we aren’t exactly swimming in funding for our schools. From posting a message asking for used toys, I frequently trekked to apartments and loaded up my beat up Saturn with puzzles, stuffed animals with stuffing coming out of them, and once, amazingly, an entire free Thomas the Tank Engine train table and train set.

Another way the Yahoo Group worked for me was buying used furniture for my apartment. Once your membership is approved, look for the “F/S” headings on certain postings. These are usually great items of furniture someone is selling to make room for baby, or because they’re moving to Idaho.

Now that I’ve had my bambino four weeks ago, I’ve gotten even more free stuff! One woman dropped off a bag of 200 diapers to me when I was recovering from my c-section, and we ended up chatting for an hour over tea and cookies. When Joey outgrew his newborn size Pampers, I posted “Free: 2 boxes of n/b size diapers,” and a woman named Rachel sent her hubby to come pick them up. Its all about karma: if you get something great for free, you should also give away an item.

Hoboken Moms is best if you sign up for its “Daily Digest.” Then, instead of 500 emails a day, you get one which has all the posts mashed into one splendid email. People post all kinds of items, but I’ve broken it down for you into its most basic elements:

Recommendations: This aspect of the group is priceless. For a nervous new mom, getting advice on what OBGYN to pick, what doula to contact, what hospital to give birth in… really makes the transition from singleton to mama much smoother. When my sink broke, I jumped right on and posted: “Does anyone know of a good, local plumber who won’t rip me off?”

For Sale: this is my favorite! A virtual gate sale! Some items for sale in my most recent email were a  D5000 DSLR camera body for $400, and a trench coat by Nicky Hilton for $20. I’m still considering whether I can squeeze into the trench coat.

Wanted: When I put up my call for free diapers, the gods shined upon my wallet and a woman dropped some off at my apartment. Someone else wants a crockpot, and just posted asking if anyone is selling one.

Free: Free postings get pounded upon faster then Justin Bieber. Some recent free items: 25 baby clothes hangers, a glider and ottoman, 150 diapers.

Advice: Need a place to get your car inspected? Or help potty training your stubborn toddler? I must have sent out three-hundred postings the first week my son was born. I’m still getting teased about asking about what to bed at night if your nipples are leaking. Gross, I know. But I learned from another mom all about something called a “sleep bra” that Motherhood Maternity makes. Its soft and I love it.

Classes: Businesses in town use Hoboken Moms to post new classes you can take with your baby. Some recent ones were: Mom and Baby Yoga, a C-section recovery group, and healthy cooking class.

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