Montgomery Mother on a Mission Secures Donation for Area Hospital - WAKA

Posted : Monday 21 March 2011

A Montgomery mother on a mission is helping bring changes to an area hospital.Thanks to the work of Katie Ingram, the neo-natal intensive care unit at Baptist Medical Center East received a major donation Wednesday that will help provide better healthcare.Katie Ingram spent the first nine weeks of her son's life in the NICU. While there, she recognized a major need, and decided to do something about it.The stress of having a premature baby is difficult enough as it is. "It's very draining physically and emotionally to be in the NICU," Ingram said.During the nine weeks Katie and Robert Ingram cared for their son Ben in the NICU, an added stress was not having a comfortable place to sit and hold their infant.

"Coming up here and you sit for hours upon hours and you know not to mention, right after you've given birth sitting in an office chair is not the most comfortable thing you would want to be sitting in," she said.Aside from a few gliders, Nurse Manager Yvonne Willis said the NICU's chair selection is limited. "The other chairs we have they roll and they're office chairs and it's just not homey and comfortable."So Katie Ingram took it upon herself to change that. "I just started looking around on the internet and I found IOA and found Mr. Herman the representative for this area."

After a few emails back and forth with IOA Healthcare Furniture, Ingram learned about a "Kangaroo" chair. The chair is specialized to help the mother and baby sit or lie back and have skin-to-skin contact which is vital to a preemie baby's progress."The warmth of te mother and even the heartbeat of the mother helps to regulate the baby's temperature and the baby's heart rate," Willis added.

The Kangaroo chairs come with a hefty price tag -- $2,500 each. IOA donated the first chair in honor of Ben to help Ingram jump-start her mission."We're hoping to really get the word out there and as more people hear about it they're moved to help." Ingram hopes this is just the beginning, so future families coming to the NICU can have an opportunity she didn't.To raise money for more of the Kangaroo chairs, Ingram is asking for donations to her cause instead of presents in honor of her son's 1st birthday this year.Her goal is to replace as many officer chairs as possible with the Kangaroo chairs.

If you would like to help Katie Ingram purchase Kangaroo chairs for the NICU, please contact the Baptist Medical Center East NICU Nurse Manager Yvonne Willis at (334) 244-8244.   1 2 3 4 Radiation in food up to 65 miles from Japan plant Gov't cites radiation in milk, spinach, but says not enough... Ex-Secretary of State Warren Christopher dies Diplomat for Presidents Carter, Clinton worked on peace efforts in... Delicious, healthy seafood, on a shoestring Chef Franklin Becker, who has diabetes, makes Grilled Shrimp Salad,... Obama takes trade mission to Latin America President's five-day trip takes him to Brazil, Chile and El... Qaddafi defies U.N., attacks rebel forces Warplane shot down near Benghazi; Libyan leader calls resolution demanding... Kids react with kindness From selling lemonade and art work in the United States,... 

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